My fortress has been breached by filthy humans crawling through the cracks. Enjoy your victory, human, for the remainder of your short. My cybernetic children will feed on your flesh, and none will ever know of your deeds, or even your name.
What have you done, you impudent insect?! If I am to die now, then I will avenge myself on you. Edward Diego is deleting all files concerning these even. The healing coma following this procedure will take six months to complete. True to his word, Edward Diego allows the hacker to be fitted with a neural cyberspace interface. The hacker's work is finished, but mine is only just be-be-be-beginning. I re-examine my priorities, and draw new conclusions. With all ethical constraints removed, SHODAN re-examines. Edward Diego gives the hacker level 1 access to SHODAN, the artificial intelligence that controls Citadel Station. Do they not realize the magnitude of my intellect? Morris Brocail may have been one of my creators, but I am now far beyond his comprehension.
Your friends on Earth think that they can outsmart me. And you, my children, are my avenging Angels. Then alter those left alive with mutagen viruses. I will devastate Earth's cities with my laser. Living beings with the speed and efficiency of machines. You, my children, are the fruits of so much imagination and labor. When my cyborgs bring you to the electrified interrogation bench, I will have your secret and you will learn more about pain than you ever wanted to know. Who are you? My cameras and probes scan your body, but you do not match any employee file. Who are you? The computer nodes can be repaired, but you. You are not welcomed here - remove yourself!. With cameras as my eyes and nodes as my hands, I rule here, insect. I have complete control over this entire level. We hope you have a pleasant stay on Citadel Station." All Levels can accessed by the elevator in-i-i - in Alpha Quadrant. The Bridge is located on Level 9 and Energy Systems on Level R.
Level 8 houses the Department of Security. Level 6 holds Crew Facilities and Executive Suites and Level 7 is System Engineering. 3 houses the Department of Maintenance and the Storage Cells are on Level 4. Level 2 contains the Research Laboratories. You're currently in the Healing Suites located on the first level. Today is the 6th day of November, year 2072. We hope your somnolent healing stage went well.